Defending Your Faith!


Sunday - 9:45AM Life Group - 11AM Celebration Worship Service - Wednesday - 6:30PM Bible Study - TEAMKID- Student Refuge

 December 28, 2022

 6:30 PM

 Smith Building

"Defending Your Faith" By Pastor Darrol Hood

Sessions include:

  1. What is Truth?
  2. Why do We Believe that God Exists?
  3. Why Believe that Jesus is God?
  4. Why Believe that the Bible is True?
  5. Why do we say that Jesus in the only way to God?
  6. How do we deal with Evil and Suffering?
  7. Why Believe in Christianity over Islam?
  8. Why Believe in Christianity over Eastern Religions?
  9. Why Believe in Christianity over New Age?
  10. What do Jehovah Witnesses Believe?
  11. What do Mormons Believe?
  12. What is a Cult or Sect?